Manga Recommendations Thread

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Postby AnimeGirl » Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:28 pm

[quote="Cadence (post: 1443824)"]You should definitely read Yotsuba&! because it is pretty much the best manga ever, and very clean.

Also recommending Twin Spica. It's excellent. I've only read as much of it as has been released in the US]

Thanks! I have been meaning to read Yotsuba&! and I'll be sure to look into Twin Spica.
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:35 pm

AnimeGirl (post: 1443814) wrote:I am back for manga recommendations! I have actually been reading more manga than I am watching anime, but oh well!!!

Fruits Basket is one of the best shoujo out there. The magic soley consists of the family members being able to turn into animals. It's very sweet, and very good. Incredibly little language. Some violence, but it's FMA-level, if that.

Special A- one of the better-regarded romcoms, with two students competing to be the best. No magic, little language, and a little bit of violence as they're into pro-wrestling.

Darren Shan - my favorite manga that was originally a book series, this is about a boy who turns into a vampire to save his friend- and his friend swears revenge (he wanted to be a vampire). FMA-level violence (blood shown but very little gore). There is blood-drinking, but usually not shown outright, or the blood is drunk from mugs (you see what I mean in the series). Very little language. And there is magic, but from the six volumes I read (the seventh just came out and isn't in my library yet) it isn't shown.

I'm also totally seconding Yotsuba&! and Twin Spica. Fantastic series.
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Postby wildpurplechild » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:01 pm

Can anyone recomend a good shojo or horror (but not to scary or gory, more like creepy) manga that wouldn't have too much objectable material? Also I would like a now-typical plot. I'm really interested in stories like Death Note if that helps.
Heads up, I don't go on this site much these days...
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:21 pm

As far as AnimeGirl goes, Mushishi is a pretty safe bet. A traveling healer helps people plagued with supernatural problems caused by mushi, organisms smaller than bacteria. Tegami Bachi is about mailmen, and the most optimistic dystopia I've ever seen(though the last chapter was NOOOOOO! inducing.

And for wildpurplechild, Ouran is really the only shojo manga I've read, but I've heard good things about Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:22 pm

wildpurplechild (post: 1444088) wrote:Can anyone recomend a good horror (but not to scary or gory, more like creepy) manga that wouldn't have too much objectable material? Also I would like a non-typical plot. I'm really interested in stories like Death Note if that helps.
Please read Gogo Monster. Fits your criteria perfectly and it is relatively short. The whole thing comes in one volume and is a little over 500 pages.
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:33 pm

wildpurplechild (post: 1444088) wrote:Can anyone recomend a good shojo or horror (but not to scary or gory, more like creepy) manga that wouldn't have too much objectable material? Also I would like a now-typical plot. I'm really interested in stories like Death Note if that helps.

Ghost Hunt is the standard for shoujo creepy-horror stories- and is pretty good :) Not really scary or gorey.

Cirque du Freak is a great horror that has very little gore and isn't so much scary as creepy.
xxxHolic is similar. It does have a little more "objectionable material" in that there is a bit of innuendo in the first three volumes, but it tapers off. You also encounter various Japanese mythological creatures. But it's pretty non-offensive, even Animegirl likes and will read it!
Petshop of Horrors might toe the line as to whether you'd enjoy it. There's a wierd shop in Chinatown that sells unusual animals. There's mythological creatures, imaginary creatures, all sorts of things. It's pretty good if you like things like The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limit. The language tends to be a little rough- while it's mostle the d-word, it does occur fairly regularly. Not every page, and sometimes whle chapters don't have them, but it is definitely there.
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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:19 pm

I'm not saying he recommended it, but since he brought it up, I figured I'd say this...

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1444096) wrote:And for wildpurplechild, Ouran is really the only shojo manga I've read, but I've heard good things about Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge.

Ouran is a very good anime, and I've also read a volume or so of the manga. It's a nice story, and a fun shojo... I could recommend it to somebody looking for shojo, but since you're looking for something without much objectable material, I wouldn't recommend it.

Don't get me wrong... It's not like, totally anti-Christian or anything. But it's definitely not anything squeaky clean either. If you ever want to take a look at it, I can further elaborate on this.

But anyway, as for shojo, it all depends on the type of shojo you want. Do you want a magical girl? If so, I'd definitely recommend Magic Knight Rayearth. It hardly has any objectable material... There's a review for the manga on here too. If you want to read it, here it is:

Or are you looking for something more similar to slice of life and full of love triangles, like Fruits Basket or Ouran?
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Postby Midori » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:42 pm

If the Magic Knight Rayearth manga has the same plot as the anime, I can definitely see some possibly objectionable content coming in. I haven't read the manga, so it's possible I'm wrong, and I don't want to discuss it because it's a big spoiler, but yeah. Is there someone else who's read the manga who can answer my concerns?
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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:59 pm

Midori (post: 1444122) wrote:If the Magic Knight Rayearth manga has the same plot as the anime, I can definitely see some possibly objectionable content coming in. I haven't read the manga, so it's possible I'm wrong, and I don't want to discuss it because it's a big spoiler, but yeah. Is there someone else who's read the manga who can answer my concerns?

I only watched a couple episodes of the anime, so I'm not the most reliable source for the anime... but the manga series itself is pretty short, so it can't get into as much detail as the anime.

Are you referring to the use of magic? If so, then well... yeah, it pretty much has everything that most magical girl series do. So it depends on how you feel about magic.

Or are you talking about something that happened in Magic Knight Rayearth II? I haven't read that one yet so idk if there's anything in that. I've read reviews though, and from what I've read it seems to have more or less the same amount of cleanliness as the first trilogy. But like I said - I haven't read that one yet, which is why I only recommended the first trilogy.

P.S. If it's a spoiler for the anime, I don't mind being spoiled... So feel free to PM it to me and I can tell you what I know (if anything), if you don't want to post it on here and spoil it for potential readers/watchers.
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Postby Midori » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:21 pm

Nah, I'm not referring to magic. It's a plot point in the first anime series. Just Clamp being Clamp. I'll PM you about the details.

EDIT: I did like Magic Knight Rayearth (the anime) by the way, except for the bits of the plot that made me angry, so if you can handle things like that, you'll be fine. I'm not trying to derecommend it, just giving a warning. Also, as I said, I'm speaking about the anime, not the manga which I have not read, so I could just be totally and completely wrong. :]
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:07 am

Midori (post: 1444122) wrote:If the Magic Knight Rayearth manga has the same plot as the anime, I can definitely see some possibly objectionable content coming in. I haven't read the manga, so it's possible I'm wrong, and I don't want to discuss it because it's a big spoiler, but yeah. Is there someone else who's read the manga who can answer my concerns?

Okay, I'm finally throwing my two cents in. I have read the manga- both the first and second sections- and have NO idea how it compares to the anime since I haven't seen the anime.

But as for the manga, there is some spell-casting (b-movie "magic" with anmes like "lightning attack" and whatnot, and big explosions). Some violence- some blood but no gore. Little to no language (if it is there, it's the d-word once or twice). There are some... interesting.... connections between Mokona and the Magic Knights, though I'm not sure how offensive these would be. Though later, they seem to go against the Creator of the worlds (though whether they are actually going against the Creator or not is up to debate because of his role in bringing the girls to Cephiro). And if you read into the relationship beween two guys then you might see some shounen-ai there, but it's brief since the one guy who expresses those feelings ends up liking a girl.
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Postby steenajack » Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:29 pm

Hey guys! I really want to get into the steampunk genre, but I have no idea where to start. Are there any anime titles that fit this genre you would reccomend to me?

Violence: I really don't like too much blood or gore, but so far I'm able to take the violence of Twelve Kingdoms and FMA (first series) and possibly Tsubasa Chronicles. I tend to be able to take a little more in manga than in anime, because the blood is all black.....but I really don't like gore or when the blood is like....well fountains in general. (Tsubasa and FMA is pushing it for me)

Sexual content: I'm most sensative here. I don't want to have to see any sex scenes or raunchy fanservice or too many inappropriate jokes. (also, no yaoi or yuri please.) I can take some very LIGHT jokes and LIGHT fanservice (although I prefer to have none of this one), such as that in +Anima or Princess Nine.

Nudity: I don't want to see anything detailed. If there is a non-detailed magical transformation portrayed in a non-sexual way, I'd be fine.....maybe. Basically though, I don't want to see anything scandelous. ^^; I can also take immodest clothing so long as it's portrayed in a tasteful matter. Lust from FMA is an example of what I can handle.

Language: I'm fine with minor/mild swears. But I really hate f-bombs, and s-bombs get pretty tedious after awhile. I also really dislike it when they use the Lord's name as a swear word.....How bout' this: Nothing past what I've heard in FMA (english dub, first series).

Religious content: This one bothers me the very LEAST. I can take just about anything here, so long as they are not outright trying to make fun of my faith or anything like that. But for the most part, religious themes don't really bother all. At least, not so far. I've yet to come across anything that I felt REALLY blasphemed my faith. Spirited Away, FMA (first series), Twelve Kingdoms, Haibane Renmei, and anything by Hayao Miyazaki I can take no-brainer. Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favorites, as is Mushi-shi. I reviewed Origin: Spirits of the Past.....I could go one. Bottom line: religious themes never really bother me.

So, basically I'm looking for some GOOD Steampunk that can fit into the content. Any help would be awesome.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:22 am

steenajack (post: 1444436) wrote:So, basically I'm looking for some GOOD Steampunk that can fit into the content. Any help would be awesome.

Cloth Road, for sure!
Kieli (I wrote a review for it on here, so you can check it out. I am buying the light novels as they come out, too, and know that it's definitely a steampunk world)
Aria/Aqua (Aqua are the "prequel" books that were published in a different magazine than Aria)

Trigun and Trinity Blood are considered steampunk, but I don't know about their content. I haven't read it myself.
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Postby steenajack » Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:42 pm

Thanks Atria! :D!
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:58 am

Hello there! I love manga and tend to read a lot of oneshots. I prefer lighthearted comedies (shonen or shojo). I am not a huge fan of ecchi, but i can stomach some fanservice every now and then. I am currently a subscriber to Shonen Jump
I have (fully) read:
Angel Densetsu
Rosario + Vampire
at least 100 oneshots (cant remember them all)

I would like to find some new manga, but i dont like waiting around for new completed or almost completed preferably.
Just send me a list and i will tell you if i have read it!
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:10 pm

Masquerade1412 (post: 1445332) wrote:Hello there! I love manga and tend to read a lot of oneshots. I prefer lighthearted comedies (shonen or shojo). I am not a huge fan of ecchi, but i can stomach some fanservice every now and then. I am currently a subscriber to Shonen Jump
I have (fully) read:
Angel Densetsu
Rosario + Vampire
at least 100 oneshots (cant remember them all)

I would like to find some new manga, but i dont like waiting around for new completed or almost completed preferably.
Just send me a list and i will tell you if i have read it!

If you don't mind romcoms, then
Lovely Complex
Skip Beat!
would be good choices

Bamboo Blade!

are also good comedies
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Postby impact777 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:50 am

Hi! :)
I have some questions concerning the manga Gin Tama. Would you recommend it? Is there any bad content in it, like bad religion?
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:04 am

impact777 (post: 1448200) wrote:Hi! :)
I have some questions concerning the manga Gin Tama. Would you recommend it? Is there any bad content in it, like bad religion?

Ah, Gintama! I know several people have watched the anime version- you might have a bit better luck asking in the 'anime recommendations' thread.
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Postby Sissy » Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:02 am

Hi. :)

I'm relatively new to anime/manga, and I've been having some difficulty finding good manga. Every time I come across a plot that looks interesting, I discover after some research that it's occultic, pornographic, horrific, or, in a couple of cases, incestuous. *shudder* So I would really appreciate any recommendations you guys could give me. :)

As far as content goes...

Language: I'm not too picky about this; so long as they're not cursing every other sentence and there aren't many f-bombs, I'm probably fine. The only things I'm absolutely not okay with are J**** or C***** used blasphemously. That's an immediate turnoff.

Violence: Okay, my standards here are rather arbitrary; I don't mind most violence, as long as it's not fatal. I don't care if somebody gets shot, stabbed, or shoved off a cliff, so long as they come out alive. (Actually, the hurt/comfort addict inside of me kinda sorta enjoys the whump...:red:) If a minor character dies, like in a murder mystery, I would rather there wasn't much gore.

Sexual content: This is kinda hard for me to pin down, since I usually judge this on an individual basis, but... nothing graphic, and minimal fanservice.

Bad religion: This is where I'm the most cautious. I would really prefer few to no supernatural elements.

(Note that, if anything goes beyond what I've listed, but is brief and can be skipped easily without losing any of the plotline, then it's probably okay. Just please let me know where it is. :))

As for the actual story... I enjoy humor and likeable characters. Beyond that, I'm not too picky. :) Although, I have to say that I love it when characters have sincere, caring, through-thick-and-thin friendships. It makes me squee. <3

I've read and loved both Ouran High School Host Club and Koukou Debut; the characters in both were absolutely awesome. (Even though I ended up skipping about seven or eight chapters in Ouran, due to the homosexual themes. :() I tried Special A and Lovely Complex, but found both of them to be somewhat boring. And Azumanga Daioh and Yotsuba&! are both on my "To Find" list.

I know those are all shojo, but I would be open to some kind of action/adventure story.

So, any suggestions?
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Postby wildpurplechild » Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:04 am

Does anyone here know if Reborn is good? It looks interesting, but I pretty much have no clue about it. If you can please list the violence, bad religion, laguage, nudity and whatnot.
Heads up, I don't go on this site much these days...
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:29 pm

Reborn is great... But I don't read the manga, I'm over half way done with the anime though.

Actually I do have a question as to what is currently going on in the Reborn! manga and Tegami Bachi manga...
Both of the anime adaptations are getting... a little weird. Which concerns me since I watch both of them with my two younger siblings.
Has there been anything religiously bad going on in either of them?
I'm at episode 147 for reborn and episode 2 for the second season of Tegami bachi.
(I don't mind spoilers, I just want to make sure I'm protecting my sibs.:rock:)
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:50 am

I've read the latest volumes in the Letter Bee manga, and I haven't seen anything particularly fishy.
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Postby wildpurplechild » Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:07 pm

Atria35 (post: 1454812) wrote:I've read the latest volumes in the Letter Bee manga, and I haven't seen anything particularly fishy.

Warning for the manga! [SPOILER]Though generally clean there is one chapter (I don't know the number, sorry) with a woman without any clothes. She says unclothed for most (if not all) of the chapter until Lag convinces her to cover herself. I suggest you skip those chapters and wait for the more sensored American version to come out.[/SPOILER]
Heads up, I don't go on this site much these days...
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:10 pm

wildpurplechild (post: 1455251) wrote:Warning for the manga! [SPOILER]Though generally clean there is one chapter (I don't know the number, sorry) with a woman without any clothes. She says unclothed for most (if not all) of the chapter until Lag convinces her to cover herself. I suggest you skip those chapters and wait for the more sensored American version to come out.[/SPOILER]

It's not that she's not clothed, it's that she doesn't understand that it's important to wear underwear. Thankfully, if she does run through a page without undies on, what's there is covered.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:30 pm

Atria35 (post: 1455276) wrote:It's not that she's not clothed, it's that she doesn't understand that it's important to wear underwear. Thankfully, if she does run through a page without undies on, what's there is covered.
Wildpurplechild is actually referring to a different character.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:37 pm

Sissy (post: 1448444) wrote:Hi. :)

I'm relatively new to anime/manga, and I've been having some difficulty finding good manga. Every time I come across a plot that looks interesting, I discover after some research that it's occultic, pornographic, horrific, or, in a couple of cases, incestuous. *shudder* So I would really appreciate any recommendations you guys could give me. :)

As far as content goes...

Language: I'm not too picky about this]as long as it's not fatal.[/I] I don't care if somebody gets shot, stabbed, or shoved off a cliff, so long as they come out alive. (Actually, the hurt/comfort addict inside of me kinda sorta enjoys the whump...:red:) If a minor character dies, like in a murder mystery, I would rather there wasn't much gore.

Sexual content: This is kinda hard for me to pin down, since I usually judge this on an individual basis, but... nothing graphic, and minimal fanservice.

Bad religion: This is where I'm the most cautious. I would really prefer few to no supernatural elements.

(Note that, if anything goes beyond what I've listed, but is brief and can be skipped easily without losing any of the plotline, then it's probably okay. Just please let me know where it is. :))

As for the actual story... I enjoy humor and likeable characters. Beyond that, I'm not too picky. :) Although, I have to say that I love it when characters have sincere, caring, through-thick-and-thin friendships. It makes me squee. <3

I've read and loved both Ouran High School Host Club and Koukou Debut; the characters in both were absolutely awesome. (Even though I ended up skipping about seven or eight chapters in Ouran, due to the homosexual themes. :() I tried Special A and Lovely Complex, but found both of them to be somewhat boring. And Azumanga Daioh and Yotsuba&! are both on my "To Find" list.

I know those are all shojo, but I would be open to some kind of action/adventure story.

So, any suggestions?

I can't believe I never answered this >.>"

Now that I've noticed,

I'm sorry to say that the majority of shounen action/adventure involve supernatural elements or death. I've been through a huge list trying to find one that might fit for action/adventure, and 95% won't cut your standards.

The only one that I came across that I can be sure of the content and is *licensed* is Detective Conan.

As for friendship manga that do hold to your standards, I would recommend
Bakuman (there is a short story arc where a woman is told that to hold in male readers she has to draw fanservice. She's appalled. It doesn't go into detail or last long).
Bamboo Blade- strong friendships. Little/no fanservice (I haven't noticed any in the 7 volumes I own- it's still being released and I have the 8th volume pre-ordered).
Moyashimon- this does have a 'supernatural element' in that one of the guys is able to see bacteria without a telescope. Other than that, it depends on whether you're into biology and the effects of bacteria. It has some hilarious things in there based on that.
Lovely Complex- it's also a romcom. Very funny, very sweet.
Kimi ni Todoke- a romance, too, but a very good one.
Dengeki Daisy- again romcom.
Otomen- friendship AND romance! The humor draws on that the guys like to do things like sew, but the girl is a total tomboy.

Hikaru no Go might be an option, depending. The only supernatural element is that Hikaru's GO teacher is a ghost.[spoiler] But God does call him to Heaven eventually[/spoiler]
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Postby wildpurplechild » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:17 am

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1455287) wrote:Wildpurplechild is actually referring to a different character.

Yeah he's right, I don't mean Niche, that's pretty innocent, but there is another female character later on...
Heads up, I don't go on this site much these days...
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:37 am

wildpurplechild (post: 1456273) wrote:Yeah he's right, I don't mean Niche, that's pretty innocent, but there is another female character later on...

oh. OH! That one! Aw, man, has it really been so long since I've read it?! Darn.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:19 pm

Though, said character is naked for the same reason Holo is naked in Spice and Wolf. The shot isn't fanservice, it's just the way the character thinks, as she wouldn't have any sort of nudity taboo.

(Though, that said, it was pretty awkward because I was reading that part at school.)
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Postby impact777 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:30 am

I have a question concerning the manga Pluto.
Is there any bad content in it, like nudity or "bad religion"? Thanks a lot! :)
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