I probably won't post very much, I like to silently read others posts and pass judgement (just kidding). I'm not much for posting on social media, but I thought I would introduce myself and who knows? Maybe I've just been on the wrong platforms this whole time and I'm actually deep down a posting maniac........................
A bit about myself:
My favorite sport is basketball
I am extremely enthusiastic about outdoor games--kickball, tag, pickup b-ball games
I like anime but I prefer manga (I've always preferred books over movies and I guess that preference applies to manga?)
I'm struggling to figure out my life
I really like coffee cups but not coffee
And I can't stand white lights-- I need to live in an environment with orangy lights (it's cozier)
Basically I am a very large child

(Not sure I have a fav manga but I liked Bleach and Dengeki Daisy a lot. And I'm keeping up with Akatski no Yona)