My fifth year! Well...fourth year! ...I had to take last year off because I was planning my December wedding!

But it says 5 years in my NaNoWriMo profile.

Ryosuke and I started plotting some semblance of a world and storyboarding about 6 months ago that kind of amounted to nothing because, y'know, life and stuff happened. I'm pantsing it and he's helping me fill in some holes as I go along!
So I took all those old notes, imported them to Scrivener, and took off yesterday as midnight rolled into November!

I've never used Scrivener before, but my goodness it is SO much better and easier to work with than MS Word for this stuff! I'm definitely taking up the offer to get the full software when the time comes!
Forgive me if I'm not really around (well, I do tend to lurk a lot more than I mean to, these days!), but there's always noveling to be done, and I'm also heading up a NaNo thread on a marriage forum. Have fun and happy writing, CAA-Wrimos!