Hello!! I don't know if anyone remembers me or if the old members I used to know are still on here, but I joined 7 years ago and haven't been active for three years so thought I'd reintroduce myself! I'm 23, and have recently moved to South Korea and am teaching the cutest little Korean kids ever! I love it here and basically hope to stay forever! The only thing I hate is the lack of conventions and other Christians

I randomly thought of CAA tonight and thought I would see if it's still around, and here it is! I'm getting back into anime after taking a break from it and have been enjoying getting back to my roots as an anime fan, and can't wait to discuss with all of you! If I can remember how to post pics I'll also post my adorable little Korean rescue dog who I adopted nine days after I moved to Korea lol. Anyways, it's nice to meet/see you all again ^^