Plot: this story is about a girl named Kashiki Yoshida, who to others is insane, with alter egos who talk in her mind. Will she overcome these? Or will she stay where she is in the dark? Will she open up, or stay closed, fast shut?
Name: Kashiki Yoshida (alter egos: Christy Kings, and Patience Davari)
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Background: Kashiki was hard to raise, and once she grew up and left her sanity behind, Christy being fast closed into her mind restraint and Patience gave Kashiki an edge of uncomfortable release. Now Patience is held by Christy and emotions have gone wild! Will Kashiki let the emotions rule her for all her life, or will she find a way out?
Personality:Kashiki: kind and sweet and hard to persuade of anything Christy: wild, emotional, and stubborn Patience: calm, reliable, and reserved
Appearance: Brown, curly bob, brown eyes, 5'4 tall,