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The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:22 pm
by twistedfairytale45
okaaaaaaay... So I'm only fifteen and this sight says Attack on Titan is 17+... then again my sister says Death Note is 17+ and I'm nearly halfway through that show.
Violence wise I can handle quite a bit, but I don't know how much I can handle. I've gotten used to the gore on the FMA level(and I could probably handle a bit more) and I want to know what level Attack on Titan is on. Is it the same as FMA? Is it a little higher? does it smash the FMA scale entirely? I've been wanting to watch this show for the past month now and I really want to know if I need to wait two years to be able to handle it or if I'm ready now. (but even if I was ready now it might be awhile before I get around to it because I just started Soul Eater and I want to finish it before getting hooked on much else)
Also any other comments or suggestions about the age rating for Attack on Titan is welcome. I think I can handle the naked titans, just as long as it's just the titans who are naked. Yoai and Yuri relationships are not good but jokes about it I can handle... just as long as it doesn't get too serious.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:15 pm
by Thunderscream872 ... tt_stry_pg

There is what IMDb has to say about the content. From what I've seen of AoT, this pretty much sums up what you're in for. I think AoT is officially rated TV-MA, at least that what it says on the back of the Blu-ray/dvd case. When I seen it on Toonami it was TV-14 so idk. Either way, it is DEFINITELY way more violent then Death Note, which is very mild in my opinion. If you're watching the first FMA and not Brotherhood, than I would say AoT is much more violent. Brotherhood isn't quite as bloody/gory as AoT, but its closer to what you'd see in AoT than FMA (2003) or Death Note.

I'm almost 100% sure that two very significant characters in AoT are gay; however, I don't think any romantic relationships result in the show--gay or straight.

Again, I've only seen some AoT here and there, but I'm fairly confident the information I'm giving you is legit.

I'll end this off by saying Death Note is not a 17+ show. It is very mild compared to other "17+" shows I've seen. It probably gets that rating for the concept of the main character being a psychotic killer, rather than the actual content of the show, if you know what I mean.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:30 pm
by twistedfairytale45
okay. To me it sounds like it's a lot more gorey than what I've ever seen. I had watched a couple AMV's and I didn't consider the gore in them to be too terribly horrible, but I guess that's just because none of them have the horribly graphic scenes. I'll keep looking around some more but I'm definitely thinking I shouldn't watch this for at least a year or so.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:37 pm
by mechana2015
I've watched the first few episodes of AOT and at least during those the gore is both persistant and graphic and to a degree extra disturbing due to the cannibalistic nature of the titans. Where there was some gore in FMA maybe once every few episodes on average, AOT seems to have notable graphic gore about every 10 minutes or so, at least at the beginning.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:03 pm
by Psycho Molos
Yea I got the jeebies during a certain part of the first episode.....

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:33 pm
by goldenspines
This comes from a person who could not even finish the first episode of Attack on Titan, I will say that while it may not break any massive gorey scales necessarily, it's a different kind of gore. More psychological.

As a comparison from my own anime watching. I watched and enjoyed Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate which involved ripping off heads, gouging eyes, vampires, knives, guns and blood and gore galore, YET, I could not handle a humanoid creature (a Titan) eating a human like a taco. I just...couldn't. It was too much for my mental capacity.

So, keep that in mind. I know a lot of people can handle that sort of violence, but the 17+ rating is no joke and I think it's violent content is different from that in FMA or FMA:B and while Death Note touches more on psychological violence, it's not quite to the extent of Attack on Titan. I'm thinking it may be your call on it. I don't usually judge a show on its first episode, but if you can make it through the first episode, you may be fine for the rest.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:41 pm
by Psycho Molos
goldenspines wrote:YET, I could not handle a humanoid creature (a Titan) eating a human like a taco. .

It's more like popcorn chicken...yum

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:52 am
by Mave
I could handle FMA and Hellsing just fine but Attack on Titan in both anime/manga format disturbs me so much, I've crossed it out of my list. There's just something about humanoid giants eating humans that highly grosses me out and I'm 30+ years old. Not sure if this helps....

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:37 am
by twistedfairytale45
Wow... I guess I just have a very high tolerence level when it comes to violence... For some reason it's the one thing the hardly ever bothers me. Maybe it's because I write stories about split personality issue characters who kill without mercy...

The titans don't seem to bother me, it's just the fact that the humans beat up the other humans in very... graphic... and disturbing.... ways... just reading about it made me dizzy.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:20 pm
by PLCDreamcatcher14
I've seen it and yeah, it can be very intense with the violence. It no so much guts and bones everywhere but as many people have mentioned above, the way titans eat humans and there's a some fight scenes later on that were REALLY intense. In one, a titan getting its jaw torn off. In another, a titan gets its face crushed. There's a half human corpse in one scene. A guy commits suicide by shooting himself in the mouth (the camera cuts away before he fires). The titans don't have digestive systems so they vomit up whatever they eat and while this isn't shown in action, some people on clean up duty come across some of the corpses that were regurgitated though they were coated in a thick goo that obscured the actual corpses. So, um...yeah. It can be pretty disturbing. It didn't really bother me that much though. My tolerance level for violence varies from series to series depending on how it's handled/portrayed/animated. I agree with Goldenspines. It's your call.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:58 pm
by spark300c
it is very intense now looking back. I seen FMA and attack on titian is more violent. seeing blood in pool is different seeing come out of some one. attack on titan show why robot mech show are use so much. our brain view violent on machine diffenty than living creatures. so less graphic the violence more our brain thinks it game and less we desensitized to real violence. the question becomes not if can handle it or not but more less moral view on seeing violence in show.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:42 pm
by twistedfairytale45
I have my solution!!! :D First, I'm going to watch FMA: Brotherhood with my older sister... Then! I shall watch Sword of the Stranger with her as well(straining myself to watch the gorey scenes to see if I can handle it. After that! I shall watch Baccano, also with my older sister, because she says it's one of the most disturbing anime's she's ever watched. FINALLY! I shall then move on to watching Attack on Titan!!!! YAY!! for by then it will be at least a year or so later so I'll be much more prepared then I would be right now :).

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:31 pm
by randomuser2349
I've seen the first 6 episodes or so, and honestly, I didn't think of the gore (even in the first episode) as anything too graphic. It's only several notches higher than what happens even on The Simpsons, and nowhere near as graphic as Elfen Lied is.

Re: The Gore of Attack on Titan... how bad is it???

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:02 am
by JessiKam
OKay seriously, I'm younger than you and well.

At first I got traumatized by Attack on Titan. I thought about my life. After a few months, I decided to take a peek on attack on titan. Then that peek turned into extensive research. Then one after another I had watched the entirety of Season 1. Then before you know it, I'm waiting for Season 2 and reading the manga!

Overall, take some time and warm up to it. The first Cour has more gore. Cour means first 14 episodes fyi. The second cour has toned down but there is blood. This time instead of being eaten, dem humans get death by whiplash or spine crack. Or curb stomp by giant female titan.

You dictate.