What Anime Character are you?

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What Anime Character are you?

Postby SierraLea » Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:49 pm

Have you guys ever tried those kind of quizzes, I went on a spree yesterday and got some totally contradictory answers. I mean, how can I be like Naruto and Fuu? That just doesn't add up!
Enjoy these links!

http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/2YKC31M/Wha ... er-are-you


http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select. ... raiNoAnime
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby AndrewinIce » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:38 pm

1;Sensitive Anime guy- You are sweet and kind. You aren't that popular, but every girl that dates you knows that you will never cheat on them. You are an understanding person that girls love when they get to know you.

2;Could not get the second one to work.

3;I am a Ninja
You are an anime ninja. Like Ichigo Kurosaki, Naruto Uzumaki, or Goku, you are tough and smart. Even though you may not be the most popular person in the world, people can relate to you and rely on you. You would do anything for your friends and are very loyal and protective.

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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby A_Yellow_Dress » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:10 pm

Haha, I love quizzes!!! (Well, "fun" ones.. academic quizzes are very stressful for me) Though I have yet to get one that I feels pegs me perfectly. Let's give this a go. XD

1. Normal Anime Girl: Since it's anime, how normal am I actually??? XD

2. I also could not get this one to work. :(

2. Loyal sidekick: High chance of dying at some point in the series, I'm sure. T.T
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby Vilo159 » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:17 pm

1. This was more than a little one sided; the options were pretty narrow. It was pretty much geared toward girls. I got the Sensitive Guy, which seems to be the only male option.

2. Didn't work.

3. The Old Master.

4. Goku. didn't really know anyone on that list though, so it didn't mean much to me.
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby Banana Lobster » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:24 pm

AndrewinIce wrote:1:Sensitive Anime guy- You are sweet and kind. You aren't that popular, but every girl that dates you knows that you will never cheat on them. You are an understanding person that girls love when they get to know you.

This is what I got, even though I said I was a girl! I mean, what the hey guys, creepy much? XD Oh, and I couldn't get the others to work.
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby SilverToast » Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:42 pm

1. Sensitive Anime Guy... meh.

2. Didn't work.

3. Cute Animal. I like this!

4. I am 81% Darrien from Sailor Moon and 77% Goku from DBZ. The rest I didn't recognize.
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby QtheQreater » Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:56 pm

1. Sensitive Anime Guy...um, what?

2. Didn't bother

3. Wise Master.

4. 100% Yugi. Pardon me while I go find some hair gel...
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby SailorDove » Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:40 pm

Quiz #1: You are just the all around normal anime girl. You are sweet, kind, and smart. You have alot of friends, but aren't considered a prep or popular. You are the nicest person that any of your friends knows.

Quiz #2: I took the Anime Character Quiz and got "I am a Wise Master"! I am a Wise Master http://qz4.me/QuH5Yh

Quiz #3: *tilts head* ...it says I'm 100% like Rei and 83% like Ayeka, Sakura & Serena. I wouldn't recommend the 3rd quiz, lots of funky characters/Anime mixed in there.
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby LupoRedgrave » Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:24 pm

Quiz 3 says i'm most like Bijou and Keiko.
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Re: What Anime Character are you?

Postby Oddood198 » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:04 pm

1. Sensitive anime guy (or something like that).

2. Seems broken.

3. The ninja. I gave up on all this ninja crap almost two years ago.

4. 100% Tenchi. Assuming it's the Tenchi I think it is, then I am quite pleased with this result.

Dangit, now, in my boredom, I'm gonna be doing hundreds of these things over the next week...
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