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space odessey

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:40 pm
by glitch1501
does anyone like aurthur c. clarkes space odessey? i really enjoyed these books,i think that they would make a great 4 movie set if someone redid the first one and made 2010, 2061, and 3001,

out of all of them my favorite was 2010

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 4:43 pm
by madphilb
Um.... dude... they did make 2010... and 2001 still holds it's age considering how long ago it was made (it was an amazing film when it was made and it still looks great).

I had a copy of the 3rd book, but I've never read it (and I don't think I still own the copy)... so I can't comment on furthering the series, but if they could hold the quality, it would be great (though the question is, how many people from 2 where in 3 and 4.. most of the actors couldn't do it so they might have trouble matching).

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 5:07 pm
by glitch1501
wow i didnt know they made a 2nd movie, thats cool, probably a few years before my time lol,