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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 10:40 pm
by shooraijin
Okay, I've got a situation that I would like someone to help me out with, please. I have a Mac 0S 9.2.2 that I use for editing and I use Final Cut Pro 3. I need to compress a video into MPEG-4 that is compatible with DivX but I can't with FCP. It will let me compress into MPEG-4 but the audio is all messed up because it won't let me compress into mp3 audio format. I can't hook that computer up to the internet, but thats besides the point. Anyways, can someone help me out by telling me a free program that will do that compatible with Windows or Mac (pref. Mac).

First of all, why does it need to be in DivX? Why can't you leave it in QuickTime?

There are two places you could try for a Mac codec (free). Here's one:

This also has a few links to some codecs in development. These are beta and may not work right (if at all). The official DivX for Mac codec is here:

The free version they offer does *not* contain MPEG-1 Layer 3 encoding for the audio, so this won't help you much, but it's a start (the pay codecs aren't that expensive, however).