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One More Time! (Another Pokémon RPG)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:49 am
by Michael Lance
Welcome to "One More Time!" - a Pokémon RPG by yours truly! I know, I know - Pokémon RPGs have a MUCH shorter lifespan than other RPGs on this site, and have a tendancy to be... well, lame. Not to mention, I'm up to my eyeballs in more pressing projects (Advent, Gemini, Forsaken - the list goes on.)

However! *jabs finger in the air for emphasis*

I will not be beaten! This time, I'm doing a Pokémon RPG just for kicks, with the only restrictions being Legendaries and color schemes! So have at it, my friends! Let's see how far we can drag this RPG, kicking and screaming, before it finally up and dies on us!

Character sheet:

- Name

- Gender

- Region (anything from Kanto to Unabara)

- Physical description (height, eyes, hair and outfit are all mandatory)

- Travelling with: (optional - use anyone from the original Pokémon cast, so long as that character isn't already taken!)

Pokémon team:

- Up to six Pokémon

- Original or Shiny color schemes only, please!

- No legendaries! No exceptions! (well, all right - but JUST ONE. And ONLY if it's not already taken! I call Mewtwo!)

Get to work, people!