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Final Fantasy: Rolan's Legacy

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 am
by goldenspines
GM is Raider~joseph.

Have fun and play safe!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:59 am
by raider~joseph
OOC: Ok everyone lets begin the RP. If anyone is unaware of the game that this rp is based on's storyline it all gets explained so don't worry. If anyone has any questions pm me!

"...Ok...well bye mom bye dad!Im going to school!"Joseph was dressed and ready to go to school...the highlight of his day...and thats not the worst part. A new york city public school is full of bullies...and when your a nerd you tend to be was worse this was the first day of school of the new school year. This was a time of social merging which meant that Joseph was gonna be alone...again...and then it clockwork every hour every 3 days or so he would get headaches and hot flashes...


Joseph was only able to just stagger himself to school where a huge commotion was going on at school.

"An earthquake prevented the teachers from showing up! Only three teachers remain!"

"I hear they are gonna cancel school!"

"I hope so!"

Joseph stuck out in the crowd still too dazed to think.

OOC: All rolan's decendents get the flashes.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:23 am
by sarahjoy78
Saphire quickly grabbed her backpack and ran down the street towards her school.
OH NO! I'M GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN! She ran into her public school in New York just as the fist bell rang.
She rushed into her seat just as the teacher came in.
" Late again Saphire," her teacher said.
"I. Um. I Was just," Saphire stumbled for something to say but her teacher, Mr.Brown smirked.
"Don't let it happen again," he said.
"Yes sir," Saphire quickly said looking down and blushing. She didn't know what had been going on lately.
She has been having terrible headaches and flashbacks for the last month. Her friends recommended a doctor but that didn't help at all.
She would just have to live with it.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:58 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Dia glanced up at the clock in her house. Her tutor was late again, and of course her parent's were out at a usual. Slowly she rubbed her temples. She kept on getting headaches, and none of the medicines she took ever made it better. She also had these weird flashbacks that didn't seem to be hers...Dia glanced at the clock again. She supposed that her tutor wasn't coming today...probably because of the prank she pulled on him yesterday.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:12 am
by MomentOfInertia
IC Keith:

It started a few weeks ago, on a Saturday, horrible headaches every hour on the hour all day; like some little gremlin decided to build a clock tower in my head.
I stayed home and slept it off, woke up fine on Sunday, same for Monday too. Tuesday they were back, and I was starting to see thing durring the headaches too, I called in sick and went to bed. Friday I went to see one of the docs at the hospital, got passed around by a bunch of people who had no idea what they were dealing with, wound up getting my head scanned. That didn't go well....

I came in between headaches, got halfway through the scan before one of them hit, the machine stated buzzing, popped, and shut off. The doc said she'd seen nothing unusual until right before the machine shut itself off when she'd gotten some very strange readings.
She said it shut itself off, but I think the room smelled like something burned out...

So, nasty hourly headaches with hallucinations every third day and nobody can tell me why, a big hospital in New York city and nobody knows anything!

A few days after that I had a long talk with my supervisor, now I'm working a desk job every third day, helping out around the office, paperwork, covering the dispatch guy so he can take a break now and then, etc.

After about a week of that dispatch went of 'vacation', something about a death in the family, be gone almost a week, he left four days ago and I've been doing dispatch duty full-time while he's gone.

So now here I am on a -headache riddled- third day, working dispatch, an earthquake just hit and I've got maybe ten minutes to get everybody organized before I go down again.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:42 am
by raider~joseph
Joseph:(I like your style Moment.^^)

School went on as usual. Honestly it kept getting more and more funtastic every day. Yup not like this got old. Preppy kids getting together with other preppy kids. Then the emos...then the popular kids. Then those hipsters who think they know everything. There weren't any nerds in this particular school. A new girl was in my class...rather I never noticed her before today.I am unperceptive aren't I?Well it did take me 3 months to remember my teachers name. Fortunatly he was promoted a grade from last year so I got the same teacher in my new grade. This girl it seems was late most of the time. She talked while standing right next to me. It woke me up from a very nice daydream in which I was a great warrior with great courage and a bitter sword fighting a dragon. I was doing very well. She seemed...familar. But I know for a FACT ive never met her before. Kinda odd. Anyway I thought Id take a shot in the dark later and say hi.

School ended with the traditional balloon launch on the roof of the school. The princible was going on and really didn't matter to me until another earthquake hit. 8th this week. Minor tremors really. We all shook it off and continued as usual. I inched towards the girl whom for some reason I never noticed before. "Umm hey? You okay? You seemed flustered this morning."I said to her.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:09 am
by sarahjoy78
Saphire watched the balloon launch with envy.
I wish that I could fly like those balloons, she thought.
Suddenly, A strange boy came up to her.He was about her age, mabey older.
He asked her her name and she blinked.
She looked strangely at the boy that was talking to her.
No one has ever talked to me before besides the teachers, she thought.
"Um. Yeah. My head has just been hurting lately.
I'm Saphire in case you didn't know. What about you?
Don't think that I don't see you cringe and grab your head every once in a while.
What's your name," she asked him.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:13 am
by raider~joseph
"Joseph. Joseph Sarrows. Yeah I get them too. Its like clockwork. Ive also been hearing things haven't been hearing things either have you?"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:39 am
by sarahjoy78
Saphire looked at Joseph in awe. "You do? I hear things all the time. I'm not sure what they are. It's like. I know what they are, but, I don't. Man. That doesn't make any sense does it," she told him.