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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:27 am
by TGJesusfreak
ok all charas are accepted. ^_^

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:02 am
by Davidizer13
Soooo...When are we going to get this thing started?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:59 am
by TGJesusfreak
Davidizer13 (post: 1406632) wrote:Soooo...When are we going to get this thing started?

veeeery soon

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:20 pm
by Ella Edric

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:11 pm
by Lynna
Name:Sheren Gek'kan
Age:17 in appearance and mind, but not in years
Occupation:Military General/Shal'Tei king's right-hand
Appearance:Blue-black eyes that are calm, firm, but have a rather distant, spaced-out look. Short, light-dirty-blonde, almost grey-brown hair. He has a scar on the left side of his neck
Bio: He is one of the King's most trusted military officers and has a high rank even though he's very young. He was raised by his grandfather, as his parents are dead. His Grandfather and the rest of his family has always been very loyal to the king. Although he often disagrees with the king and hates his decisions, he never vioces his opinions, because he believes that his own opinions matter little, and that it is his duty to serve his king without question.
Skills: His favored weapon is the sword, with which he has almost unmatched skill and speed

This is my second chara ^_^ we're going to be starting really soon, so everyone should post their charas ASAP

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:17 pm
by Yamamaya
Name: Svein Midheras
Gender: male
Age: 19
Tribe: Arach
Race: Half Elf Half Human
Bio: Svein lived in the lap of luxury for a great deal of his life. Living with his rich father Legon, he learned the use of weapons from the greatest masters in all the Arach tribe. However at the age of 14 he was thrown out of the house when his father found out that Svein was the result of infidelity between Legon's wife and a human man. From there on out, Svein has been self reliant. However he has not been completely alone. Soon after he left his home, the family Komodo dragon followed him. Komodo dragons do not possess wings but they are sturdy creatures. Hence, this Komodo dragon became both Svein's friend and his mount. During this time he has seen many injustices commited by those in power. Hence he has taken up the mantle of a vigilante. He spends his time hunting down his targets relentlessly. He holds an extreme dislike for nobles.
Skills: A master of claymores and Axes. Can also wield a broad sword and shield with great skill. skillfull in destruction magic.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:35 am
by QuirkyIceHeart
And here's mai last charrie ^_^

Yuile Allan (yu-EEL/YU-lay AL-lon)
Gender: Male
Age: Looks and acts like he’s early twenties, but his real age is 98
Race: Shal'Tei
Tribe: Shal’Tei
Occupation: Warrior
Appearance: Long, fine, golden hair that reaches to his behind. Piercing, light black (almost gray) eyes. Very sharp, defined, forward features. Tall, well built, and elegant. Has a stern, cold look.
Bio: Yuile knew who’s fault it was that everyone he cared about was murdered. He’d known since it happened. He’s hated his leader since… A deep fury that has built through the years, never being quenched. But for the sake of the one person he does still have- his small, handicapped sister, and for the sake of his entire clan who he would do anything to protect- he is loyal to his master, and would willingly die protecting him. Even though he hates to even look him. He has a fierce, passive aggressive rage that is generally held back by an eerie, silent calm and stern, cold eyes.
Skills: His skills are mostly around protecting himself. His hard, unending focus lets him predetermine the enemy's attack, so he blocks and dodges well. He is also known for using his blocking skills to counterattack. He fights with two short swords ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:03 am
by Lynna
Charries accepted. We plan to start today, so if anyone has any questions please PM me or TG now

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:52 am
by TGJesusfreak
ok there is one last thing that we forgot.

there are 3 races of people.
1. Humans
2. Elves
3. Shal'Tei

The Shal'tei are not elves. They are a race/species and not just a tribe.

Time to get this started!

One more chara. Note this is only a secondary character but will be needed for certain scenes
Name: Ike Sarin

Gender: Male

Age: 52

Race: Human

Tribe: Galdorian

Occupation: A high ranked knight-general. Second only to the king and the military generals/strategists.

Appearance: Rugged and tough looking. Dark Brown short choppy hair and large muscles. He is tall, about 6 foot, and has a square face with dark blue eyes. Wears attire similar to that of Aragorn from LOTR. Many similarities between him and Richard (his son) in appearence.

Biography: Was born into a rather substandard family in the capital city of Galdor. And from there he enlisted in the Army of Glador. He grew over time until he was considered to be the top of class. His wife died when he was 28 from sickness. He has not even considered remarrying. He is the father of Richard.

Skills: He weilds a sword with skill high above most others. Even aproaching and almost surpassing the speed and strength of a Shal'Tei. Ha can also weild a battle axe as well. But He prefers a sword.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:52 am
by Rusty Claymore
Name: Phox
Gender: Male
Age: 20's
Race: Human
Tribe: Not Affiliated
Occupation: Wanderer, Freelance
Appearance:6', thickly built. Light-brown hair, but it appears dark because he wears it very close cropped. Grey-ish blue eyes. Wears a tight leather helm, leather torso armor and leather gauntlets. Also wears a steel tasset and greaves.
Bio: One day, he just showed up in some isolated outpost. He developed somewhat of a reputation slaying dangerous beasts, but had a fallout of some kind with the Arach Tribe who placed a large bounty on his head. Phox vanished for a few years, but has now reappeared, almost the same time as the Shal'Tei.
Skills:Uses two heavy class swords; a Claymore and a No Dachi. Practical wilderness survival. Leather craftsman. He is also abnormally strong for a human, though not as strong as a Shal'Tei.

Here's to making this my first succesful RPG attempt! TG, Lynna, Ganbatte!!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:22 pm
by TGJesusfreak
Yep! All we need is Goldy to PM us back XD

I hope we can keep track of all these characters. XD

@ Rusty your character is aporoved unless Lynna says otherwise XD

PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:47 pm
by goldenspines
Main RPG thread:

Sorry I didn't get to it sooner. ^_^

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:50 pm
by Ella Edric
Thanks Goldy! :)

Also, you guys I'm changing Sirus' appearance. He will be more silvery. :P and blueish.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:04 pm
by Rusty Claymore
Anyone else keep reading the title as "Untied"? >.< Thats my dislexic parentage for you.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:35 am
by QuirkyIceHeart
Haha, it looked like that to me once or twice XD

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:27 am
by Mister
Character Outline
Name:Raheem Harluk
Tribe: Galdorian
Occupation: ex-Soldier, Sheik Prince
Appearance:dark bronze skin, short cut black hair, dark brown/almost black eyes, 6'0" tall, well built, wears baggy pantaloons, a shirt, a cummerbund (in which valuables are kept, as well as a dagger or two), peaked leather slippers, and a turbanlike head wrap.
Bio:Raheem was born on the boarders of the human lands and the elvish. he was raised by nomadic humans who traveled through the deserts. he was raised by his father, Cashim Harluk Sheik of their tribe. Raheem excelled in the use of the Scimitar and round shield from a young age, and soon was able to best the finest warrior in all the deserts, his father. upon the night of his own promotion to commander in the Mahudan Guard, which watched over the caravans and clans, his father was murdered by an Arach warrior. this assassin escaped with his life and his identity. now a year later, Raheem travels the realms searching for his father's killer.
Skills: tracking in any landscape, armed and unarmed combat, he was a sharp mind for business and a keen eye for thieves. is an excellent horseman and archer. a master with his scimitar and round shield. a scholar by hobby.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:15 pm
by Lynna
Mister, I have only one problem with your bio: The Shal'Tei have only just arrived at the time of the start of the RPG, and no one knows about them yet. therefore there is no way he could have been killed by a Shal'Tei worrior one year ago. If you have any ideas as to how we could get aroungd that, I'll listen, but I can't really think of a way to make this work right now. Could your chara's father have been killed by another tribe? Okeanus tribe might be good. Or maybe the Kousan.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:00 pm
by Mister
hmm.... i see i see.... well, it'll have to be the Kousen! lol. random choice......

sorry about that Lynna

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:36 pm
by Lynna
It's okay Mister! TG isn't here right now, so I can't talk to him about it, but Your character is accepted :) Jion the RPG whenever you feel ready and PM me if you have any questions about where you should be ^_^

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:54 pm
by Rusty Claymore
Name: Tellamenthia Lavoush (Originally Sally Alyn)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Alchemist
Appearance: 11 year old red haired elf. Wears circular window pane glasses, hair is up in two shoulder length ponytails, as well as out naturally.
Bio: A little girl in a Arach village who was orphaned, and taken in by an alchemist. After developing a extreme love for alchemy(chemistry, people...) she takes over the shop when the alchemist goes to better climates for health reasons. She can be somewhat devious at times.
Skills: Crazy alchemetical and vocabulary skillz.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:15 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Name: Arcadena firtail
Gender: female
Age: about 13
Race: Elf
Tribe:The Okeanus tribe
Occupation: N/A
Bio: She has been an orphan since she could remember. She was adopted by a young couple.
Skills: Weapon making, jewelry making, is deadly with
a bow and arrow, is very stealthy