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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:13 pm
by Crossfire
Neane (post: 1524673) wrote:But the worst ones I have read are Troll Fics and the infamous The Novelty of the Time Shadow Grave fan-fic. The most awful Wh40k fanfiction ever. Listen to it here.

Oh man, since it's 40K I kind of want to read it, but I dunno.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:04 pm
by TopazRaven
Hetalia fan-fiction guys. Never read it. J-just don't. *Sobs into hands.*

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:04 pm
by Edward
Tarnish (post: 1314080) wrote:As for me, the absolute worst I've ever read was My Immortal, though looking back, I'm pretty sure it was parody.

I've just started to listen to a dramatic reading of that fanfic. I'm glad I know it's a parody, or I would have stopped listening after I heard this wonderful lack of fact-checking
a magic school called Hogwarts in England

IT'S IN SCOTLAND!!!:bang::bang::bang:

That will be all.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:44 pm
by Neane
TopazRaven (post: 1524681) wrote:Hetalia fan-fiction guys. Never read it. J-just don't. *Sobs into hands.*

I remember that there was one with Dr. Mengele. It was horrifying and it was very warming and bittersweet at the end. And there was one that had to do with America dealing with Marilyn Monroe's death. And there was another one that had to deal with the current political situation that exists between Korea and Japan because of World War 2. And there was another that explored India under the British Empire and was very well-researched. And there was another one that had America living in a world where everyone died. And there was one that was full of emotional depth and was full of mind-screwing in which whenever you thought it would get good, it turned into a living hell on Earth.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:32 pm
by TopazRaven
Neane (post: 1524703) wrote:I remember that there was one with Dr. Mengele. It was horrifying and it was very warming and bittersweet at the end. And there was one that had to do with America dealing with Marilyn Monroe's death. And there was another one that had to deal with the current political situation that exists between Korea and Japan because of World War 2. And there was another that explored India under the British Empire and was very well-researched. And there was another one that had America living in a world where everyone died. And there was one that was full of emotional depth and was full of mind-screwing in which whenever you thought it would get good, it turned into a living hell on Earth.

Some of those actually sound alright, but 9 out of 10 times when I try to read a Hetalia fanfic it's disgusting for reasons to inappropriate to list here. I don't know why I'm the one who ends up finding this crap. :lol:

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:21 pm
by Neane

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:25 pm
by sandalwood
This one.

So I used to read Jimmy Neutron fanfiction, so what? So?

I once asked the author if I could read it out loud on Youtube. She said it was OK and I could. I made it clear I would be making fun of the story. She still didn't mind, but I decided not to. Would have felt too bad about it.

Well, at least I can share it with you guys. Just try to read it if you dare.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:34 pm
by Neko-Hime
CLAMP fangirls are scary :o
Also, I haven't read this one, but the other two-thirds of the "Three Mangateers" (my frands) have. It's about Kurogane and Fai. And Fai got pregnant. With twins.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:45 pm
by Nate
This thread is back from the dead, eh?

Well, I'll at least contribute meaningfully to it now that it has returned. One of the absolute most awful things I've ever had the displeasure of reading, it's a crossover between Power Rangers and Metal Gear. It's called "A Snake Among Rangers."

The author saw fit to not only insert herself once, but twice into the story, as two different characters. The second is some weird furry thing, but the first one is the real "gem." It's her own original Power Ranger character. Who is overpowered beyond belief. She is a half-goddess (literally, her father is Zeus), a Power Ranger, can control the elements, has a robot arm that can turn into any weapon ever, can create clones of herself (and gains all the knowledge that the clones obtain while they exist), is telepathic, telekinetic, and has even more powers that escape me at the moment.

I don't know why Zordon needed a team of Rangers with this character existing because she can take down any villain single-handedly, and it's not even a challenge. Also everyone is horribly out of character on the Power Rangers side (it happens in the PRiS continuity), and possibly on the Metal Gear side too but I don't know. The plot is dumb, basically Revolver Ocelot wants to kidnap the author's self-insert to get her DNA to create super soldiers. Also Andross yells at Zeus which is probably not a smart thing to do but he does it anyway.

It's bad. And the worst part is that it's apparently still being written. And the author is in like her late 20s. I feel bad for her because it's clear she has mental problems if she's still writing this trash...I mean if she was like 15 it'd be bad but then I'd just say "Oh she'll grow out of it."

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:26 pm
by Neane
Nate (post: 1542789) wrote:This thread is back from the dead, eh?

Well, I'll at least contribute meaningfully to it now that it has returned. One of the absolute most awful things I've ever had the displeasure of reading, it's a crossover between Power Rangers and Metal Gear. It's called "A Snake Among Rangers."

The author saw fit to not only insert herself once, but twice into the story, as two different characters. The second is some weird furry thing, but the first one is the real "gem." It's her own original Power Ranger character. Who is overpowered beyond belief. She is a half-goddess (literally, her father is Zeus), a Power Ranger, can control the elements, has a robot arm that can turn into any weapon ever, can create clones of herself (and gains all the knowledge that the clones obtain while they exist), is telepathic, telekinetic, and has even more powers that escape me at the moment.

I don't know why Zordon needed a team of Rangers with this character existing because she can take down any villain single-handedly, and it's not even a challenge. Also everyone is horribly out of character on the Power Rangers side (it happens in the PRiS continuity), and possibly on the Metal Gear side too but I don't know. The plot is dumb, basically Revolver Ocelot wants to kidnap the author's self-insert to get her DNA to create super soldiers. Also Andross yells at Zeus which is probably not a smart thing to do but he does it anyway.

It's bad. And the worst part is that it's apparently still being written. And the author is in like her late 20s. I feel bad for her because it's clear she has mental problems if she's still writing this trash...I mean if she was like 15 it'd be bad but then I'd just say "Oh she'll grow out of it."

Because of you I just read some of that.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:51 pm
by Nate


How far did you get?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:13 pm
by _GazeRockMei_
Oh goodness, totally agree on the My Immortal (however I was never able to finish it because I couldn't stomach how awful it was). But as everyone says, there is no end to horrible fanfiction. I used to be on a lot, but I left for a while because my old account had awful glitches for some reason. I recently made a new one but haven't read much so far. I did stumble across one that was supposedly K+ but when I read it. . . needless to say it should have been M. I mean, lemons in K+?! Come on.


That will be all.

I think only Harry Potter geeks like me would know that. It really does bug me when they say it's in England though. >.<

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:37 pm
by Nate
What's so bad about lemons I mean I like Lemonheads.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:25 am
by raider~joseph
I once read a fanfiction so bad it made me swear off turning Brony Squad into a Fanfiction...yes it was MLP related...NO NOT THAT ONE!This was a diffrent one it was basically a MLP story without ponies and I am not talking about Humanized Ponies im talking no characters was a...I can't even describe it...Ok!Im not gonna post the link because I forgot the name but the plot is two people(Both inserts of the author one male and the other female.)Have a fling*Wink wink* and the aftermath of it involving MLP in their lives. The author shipped himself...Oh granted this guy had other fanfiction which, while also bad but not as bad, had some pretty funny inserts. This guy is a master of satire and I will give him that but so help me it can't redeem his fanfics. Also while he and himself as a girl where supposed to be bronies it pretty much amounted to them watching it in the morning and talking about what was happening in relation to their own lives. The following is a direct quote in which they were watching the 3rd ep. "Well you know Cathy at my office kinda reminds me of whats happening here. Twilight has way too many problems with her friends bugging her. She is always coming to me about her friend's problems." .......See what he did there? I don't WHAT DID ANY OF THAT HAVE TO DO WITH TICKET MASTERS?!THE DILEMMA IN THAT EP WASN'T HER FRIENDS BUGGING HER BUT RATHER A PERSONAL CHOICE BETWEEN HER FRIENDS! The the guy goes on to say some stupid refrences to her life in relation to nothing that happened on MLP at any point in time.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:27 pm
by Neane
Nate (post: 1543075) wrote:I TOLD YOU BRO


How far did you get?

Three Chapters.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:28 pm
by Apricot0194
I think any fanfiction containing mary-sues are pretty bad. You know... the OCs that are loved by everyone, the ones that are invincible and have absolutely no weaknesses or flaws.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:28 pm
by Nate
Neane wrote:Three Chapters.

You lasted longer than I did.

You masochist.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:30 pm
by Neane
Nate (post: 1543656) wrote:You lasted longer than I did.

You masochist.

The world is divided into sadists and masochists.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:05 pm
by Yuki-Anne
LadyRushia (post: 1314536) wrote:My Immortal. Although if you've been on the internet you've probably read it. Not only is it badly written, but it's also hilarious because it's so bad.

This. Also, Legolas, by Laura. Nothing is known of the mysterious author other than that her name is Laura, but it's bad. I mean... BAD.

Here's a link:

And here's my favorite quote:

Mean while Legolas got to the cell where Laura is.Legolas said"Laura are you in there"and then Laura said"Oh Legolas you finally came"and then Legolas said"are you alright"and then Laura said"no I am not alright"and then Legolas said"they bet you up and raped you also the Dark lord gave you the posion"and then Laura said"how did you know that".Then Legolas said"when I was your age they did the samething to me".

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:34 pm
by love2cookpie
All I read was the title to a fanfic which I'll edit slightly. It was called "Edward Gets (some sort of body hair). " it was the most awful title I've ever read.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:12 am
by Nate
Yuki-Anne wrote:This. Also, Legolas, by Laura. Nothing is known of the mysterious author other than that her name is Laura, but it's bad. I mean... BAD.

This reminds me of a story I read a while back that got MST'd called Legolas, Back to the Future. It is actually a pretty boring fanfic all in all despite its premise (Legolas gets transported to the real world when the author and her friend are watching LotR for the one thousandth time). It doesn't do any of the interesting stuff that you would expect a "fictional character from a vastly different world ends up in this one" plot. It pretty much reads like she took her diary entries and inserted Legolas into them. Oh and gave herself telepathy.

It's actually got almost no objectionable content in it oddly. It's also not really the worst fanfic I've ever read. I mean it's bad, but it's not bad in any really horrifying or entertaining way. It's...just boring.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:58 am
by Neane
Now that I think about it, the Worst Fan-Fics I have ever read are the Baldur's Gate Novels that were created by Philip Athans.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:27 am
by seaglass27
The only fanfic I ever read was one in which Rally Vincent became a vampire. That was enough for me.


rocklobster (post: 1315596) wrote:Until the End of Time by Gofer-Chan
It's a crossover between--and I swear I'm not making this up--
Dragonball Z and The Diary of Anne Frank

I may just have to look this up. :?: