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By Cunning and Craft, sound advice and practical wisdom for fiction writers

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:45 am
by Destroyer2000
I found this at Books A Million yesterday, for a dollar. I highly recommend it to any fiction writers out there. Written by Peter Selgin, this book contains a lot of sound advice. I snagged it from the sales thing, and figured it coudn't hurt...turns out it's a treasure trove of information, and encouragement. In the first six pages, I found this passage:

"Don't chisel perfect sentences into stone, or try to. That's no way to write a first draft. Don't even think that you're writing; think that you're dancing, or conducting a symphony, or chasing moonbeams, or soaping windows. ...Be guided by rhythms, hues, textures, game theory, astrological charts, whim. Be bold, be devlish; be outrageous. Forget about readers; tickle yourself."

It's great. Just figured I'd pass this along to anyone that was interested.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:23 am
by acgifford
I like that quote very much.^^ I think I will apply that advice to my own writing. Thanks a ton Destroyer.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:43 pm
by bakura91
Cool I'll have to check that out, I aim to become a writer someday myself and Ive had 2 fiction Ideas kinda floating around but Ive never wrote any fiction before. I'm looking more into journalism so all my writing skills are in non-fiction (I wrote in my School newspaper 2 years, worked on school yearbook, and writing in my own private journal) But I would Love to learn some tips on how to write good fiction!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:02 pm
by seaglass27
I suck at writing fiction. If I ever had to write for a living it would be on history or theology.