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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:02 am
by blkmage
Man, you guys need to get pixiv accounts, because there has been some friggin awesome art showing up over the last few days. For example, this.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:11 pm
by MasterDias
That was a really solid ending, I thought. The photo with Yoki at the circus was...kind of random. Don't really have anything else to add.
I'll be looking forward to Arakawa's next series.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:36 am
by GeneD
I liked the photo with Havoc, his and the other two's expressions are amusing. The Ed and Al one is my favourite though. Ed baby XD is awesome. XD Also, when did Ed get so tall?! :P

As for all the shipping, I'm happy enough about EdxWinry to not mind about any of the others, although I'd have liked to see RoyxRiza. AlxMei actually never crossed my mind as a possibility so I'm not really bothered about it.

I can't believe it's all over, although I'm going to enjoy reading it all again as I gradually get the manga volumes. I think FMA is officially one of my favourite stories ever, across all forms of entertainment.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:13 pm
by ich1990
GeneD (post: 1400839) wrote:Also, when did Ed get so tall?! :P

If you find a standard of comparison (such as Winry's height) and check it every time you can as you go through the series, you will notice that he has been gradually getting taller. This is especially noticable in the last ten volumes or so (interestingly, this is also when the "short" jokes start dying down).

Finally, there is a bit of a time skip for the last panels, so you can assume he will have grown in the interim.

Just another reason why Arakawa is an awesome writer.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:19 pm
by Cadence
I'm a bit behind on the times, and didn't finish the manga until today., what an ending. I laughed and cried and cheered, and rushed off to tell anyone who would listen how happy I was with it.

But...I'm going to miss the Elric brothers so much. I guess it is time to pick up Brotherhood...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:03 pm
by Atria35
Ah, man! Just finished, and I have to say, that went out with a bang. I'm sad to see what Ed gave up, but at the same time, it really was the best- though it would have been cool to see him and Winry searching the world and learning new alchemy and doing automail for those who need it, while doing it :)

Even though RoyxRiza is one of my fave pairings, I was sad that the pic given gave really no indication of how they were doing. I mean, for all the rest you had something- even the dog had puppies! Havoc was learning to walk! But them? Just those two against a dark background. Really? No standing over maps with the Amestrians? No performing alchemy to build houses? Nope, Just a dark wall with them in their military uniforms. Lame. Everyone else got a cool end. Even Mai and Al seem to have worked out! Totally not fair.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:39 pm
by Tamachan319
Atria35 (post: 1402568) wrote:Ah, man! Just finished, and I have to say, that went out with a bang. I'm sad to see what Ed gave up, but at the same time, it really was the best- though it would have been cool to see him and Winry searching the world and learning new alchemy and doing automail for those who need it, while doing it :)

Even though RoyxRiza is one of my fave pairings, I was sad that the pic given gave really no indication of how they were doing. I mean, for all the rest you had something- even the dog had puppies! Havoc was learning to walk! But them? Just those two against a dark background. Really? No standing over maps with the Amestrians? No performing alchemy to build houses? Nope, Just a dark wall with them in their military uniforms. Lame. Everyone else got a cool end. Even Mai and Al seem to have worked out! Totally not fair.

I agree with you on the whole "what happened to Roy and Riza" thing. It was really weird how just about everyone else got a nice wrap-up, let's-see-how-you're-doing-years-from-now picture. Even Gracia and Elicia got their time to shine! Even Mrs. Bradley and Selim! Plus, I was kind of wishing Roy was Fuhrer President or at least somewhere on the way. He spent almost the entire series saying, "I'm going to be at the top!" and then at the end, he doesn't get his wish fulfilled? It's rather anti-climatic if you ask me. All the same, I liked the ending. I'm just obsessing over the small stuff, because the rest was amazing. Amazing!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:03 am
by Atria35
Tamachan319 (post: 1407327) wrote:I'm just obsessing over the small stuff, because the rest was amazing. Amazing!

When you can't find anything wrong with the big picture, all that's left is to nitpick! (actualy, I'm doing the same too. The story was fantastic.)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:43 am
by blkmage

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:19 am
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
This is good.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:30 pm
by Tamachan319
Hmm.... When the series is collected into books, will the side story get its own book? Who knows.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:45 pm
by Fish and Chips
blkmage (post: 1414902) wrote:It has returned!?
We can only hope this is a beach episode with Armstrong.

Major Armstrong.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:49 pm
by blkmage
So the gaiden chapter is pretty good.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:01 pm
by Fish and Chips
I d'awwwed.

Hopefully it'll be included when they publish volume 27.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:37 am
by ich1990
Aw, more happiness.

In another series it would probably have seemed to be to much, but in this one, well, I think Ed and Al deserve it.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:57 pm
by Sheenar
I haven't been able to find the new chapter. Did you guys just pick up the magazine issue or is it posted on their website?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:02 pm
by ich1990
Sheenar, check your PM's.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:25 am
by Yamamaya
That was it. I expected more than that.

Just 17 pages of Al's armor and then 12 pages of ads.

I am dissapoint.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:36 pm
by Sheenar
I thought it was great. Doing that to help other people. And the little birdies were cute. :)