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What in this world are you tired of?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:39 pm
by Dead-Aim
Well if you don't know what I mean then read this example topic

First of all, the tired of topic should be in this format
What your tired of:


Anything Extra:

They have to follow this at all time and it has to be on the subject of a Group of People, Thing, Place, and a Person if you have a really good reason (that means nothing like "he is gay" or something along that caliber)

To help you along I will put what I am tired of, I'm trying to flame so don't give me a flame war, I'm just speaking my mind,
What I'm Tired of: Atheists

Reason: They telling me there is no God. I ask them why, all they say in return is this
"Because there is suffering, Death, war, and bad things that happen to people, no God would allow that!"
Let me tell you this people, God works in mysterious ways. In fact, I'd rather not have a God I can understand. Because if the God of the universe has the same Intellect as me then we are so screwed.

Extra: Nothing
Remeber I'm not trying to start a flame war, so none of that this is a place for people to speak there mind, so don't flame people for saying what they are tired of.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 8:03 pm
by Ashley
Sounds like a general complaint forum..not sure how thrilled I am with this idea.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 11:17 pm
by LorentzForce
What your tired of: People who complain

Reason: If they complain of a specific moment, but they knew they would die the next day, they'll do ANYTHING to do it again, even if it means doing what they hate the most. people don't realise this and keep complaining. again and again. so annoying and tired of.

Anything Extra: Live your Life to Max like God has given you. Make it worth while before you go to heaven.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 7:17 am
by Gypsy
Hmm, I agree with the attitude of LorentzForce's post. Yeah, you have to vent, whine, and complain once in a while, but we really don't need a specific thread for it, ok? Besides, complaining gets you absolutely nowhere - it's the actions you take to counter your problems that are important. There's a difference between complaining about something specific in another thread - and making one special for that reason. So, this thread is officially closed. If you have a question, you all know how to PM me. Thanks!