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Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:12 am
by Makachop^^128
Hello :) I know I am always asking for prayer haha but here I am again XD I would really appreciate prayer. I have noticed that I haven't really felt Flow (psychology term) or just happiness in general for a long time, I can't get into a story anymore or write or paint. Most of my day I go from feeling extremely stressed to numbness. I don't know if this is brain fog or what. I do have a lot of health issues so that might be a factor. I feel most of my days really unsatisfied and bored, and finding it hard to connect with anyone, even though I have many around me that I love and love me. My relationship with God I feel has been pretty good so I don't think its spiritual.
Anyway I would appreciate prayer or any advice, and I'm sorry I have been gone for so long! been working and traveling, I missed you guys :) (edit) I also wanted to say if any of you want to be in more contact with me I'm on Facebook way more then here, so feel free to add me :)

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:22 am
by SincerelyAnomymous
Praying! Have you considered getting counselling?

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:28 am
by Makachop^^128
I used to go to a counselor and I am actually thinking about doing it again, I don't know how much good it will do sense I am already extremely transparent with those in my life about what I'm dealing with. But if they give tips and advice I might be more willing to do it. Please pray that I find a good counselor where I am moving :)

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:30 am
by SincerelyAnomymous
Will pray!

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:41 am
by Makachop^^128
thank you :)

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:02 pm
by TheAlbinoMoose
I'll be praying!

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:08 pm
by Makachop^^128
Thank you :)

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:26 am
by ClaecElric4God
Praying, Maka. I know what that feels like, and it's no fun.

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:03 pm
by christianfriend
Praying for you :]

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:41 pm
by Makachop^^128
I just posted a post of facebook that is very relevant to this topic :) here you go

I felt today at church that I was supposed to go up when there was a time for prayer. Many things were calling me up, I have felt like part of my identity had died, it would be way too much to write here, but I needed God desperately. I realized without these things in my life I would be so much more of a use to God. I prayed that if God healed me of these things I'd tell everyone, and I so badly wanted him to so I can actually be used to glorify him. in the middle of the prayer time a lady came up and told me "God told me to tell you he has already done it." The pastor came around to pray and in a short version basically had a vision that was extremely relevant to what I have been dealing with, that the gifts God has given me have been dormant because of fear, and that God had bigger plans for me. He anointed me for ministry and I feel once again so in love with God! Its like the old image of a child running back to her father and him spinning her around in the air haha. I felt called to ministry when I was five and then got lost in the world and now I know for sure that is what God wants of me Wow such a long post, I don't blame anyone for not reading it all, but if anyone did thank you~

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:31 pm
by SincerelyAnomymous
Glad to hear! God has worked well for you!

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:33 pm
by Makachop^^128
yes he has ^.^

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:26 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
If it's one thing I've learned recently, it's that happiness is a conscious choice. It comes from within and not from outside of ourselves.

I think there may be plenty to be happy about if you take a moment to sit back and be mindful, present, and surrender to what is around you. =) Give that a try! And if that doesn't work, then well, hmmm. I dunno, haha.

Re: Prayer for Brain fog

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:10 pm
by ClaecElric4God
That's pretty exciting, Maka! Praise God!