Anime Reviews ⇢ Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

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Brief Description:
The Anarchy Sisters Panty and Stocking are two nasty angels who got booted from the pearly gates for being foul-mouthed bitches! Now they spend their days blowing up ghosts in the lecherous abyss between Heaven and Earth. Panty likes sex, Stocking likes sweets, their afro-sporting main man Garter Belt has a fetish we can't mention. Together, they're keeping the streets free of bodily fluids. Ghosts don't have a prayer against their panty pistols and stocking swords, and if this debaucherous duo can collect enough Heaven Coins, they just might get their halos back. They've got a slim chance in hell, but rolling commando is the best way to get lucky - especially with Panty and Stocking! (Source: Funimation)

Rated 17+
Released 2010.
Licensed and dubbed by FUNimation.
Complete at 13 episodes.

Added: May, 2012