Anime ReviewsContributors ⇢ TheMewster
Contributor Report: TheMewster

The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by TheMewster. The links below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.

Angelic Layer (Jump to title)
- Overall: 10
- Violence Rating: 3
- Nudity Rating: 2
- Theological Themes: 4
- Other Negative Themes: 1
Review On the Theological content, the masters of the 'angels' (battle dolls) are called Deuses. I just realized yesterday that Deus means God (I think, PM me, TheMewster, if I'm wrong.) I almost gave the series a 7 in Theology just for that. I know that by CAA standards I should give this a two or three but that just offends me so much! God bless!
Lucky Star (Jump to title)
- Overall: 0
- Violence Rating: 0
- Nudity Rating: 5
- Theological Themes: 0
- Other Negative Themes: 0
Review I just got something to add.

1. Skip episode one. You won't miss much. They spend half the episode talking about how they eat their food. IT'S STUPID!!!
2. Episode six has nudity.
3. One character is a doujinshi/fanfic writer (can't remember which) who has shojo-ai fantasies about two characters ending up together. I remember one scene when she thinks about them trying to massage each other's breasts to make them larger. Definitely watch out.
Other activities: 2 records found.