Anime ReviewsContributors ⇢ MightiMidget
Contributor Report: MightiMidget

The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by MightiMidget. The links below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.

Eden of the East (Jump to title)
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 5
- Nudity Rating: 4
- Theological Themes: 1
- Other Negative Themes: 0
Review Content notes: Eden of the East is not gory, though violence occurs. One person is stabbed and bleeds to death, though only the aftermath of the stabbing is shown and not the stabbing itself. Another character is shot in the head with a resulting blood stream. Two more people meet similar ends, though at a distance without the detail.

Most of Eden of the East’s objectionable content lies in the sexual innuendo or themes. In the first episode, Takizawa appears with a gun in one hand, a cellphone in the other and wearing nothing but a somewhat confused smile. He isn’t particularly shy about being nude either, and cracks a joke about his male anatomy (or his “johnny” as he refers to it) now and then. You see his (and other) rear ends, but genitalia is always censored out by way of white blotches–which could be just as awkward for some people. There is a serial killer who is referred to as the “Johnny Hunter” who cuts off her victims’ “johnnies.” She is frequently seen in lingerie only. Later in the series a ton of people are unloaded off a ship, nude, as they scramble for clothes (again, sensitive areas are censored).

Swearing covers the spectrum, though not super frequent. One f-word in the dub. (I have not seen the sub)
Oreimo (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute) (Jump to title)
- Overall: 6
- Violence Rating: 1
- Nudity Rating: 6
- Theological Themes: 1
- Other Negative Themes: 3
Review Details on Sexual Content:

Although Oreimo doesn't have (I don't think) explicit sexual content, there is a lot of innuendo. Kirino is obsessed with sexually-explicit "little sister" type games and anime (incest, yuri, etc.). You see snippets of her games as she drools and squeals over them, and you see Kyousuke cringe in awkwardness as her giddy giggling travels through the wall between their rooms. Throughout the series it is somewhat ambiguous if the nods toward romantic love between her and her brother are played strictly for laughs? Or if she truly is in love with him. He never gives any indication of being infatuated with her.

Kuro Neko's anime fandom revolves around boys love anime, but that is never gone into detail.
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